Archivo de la categoría: CLIL

The Crashing CockroachBot last steps. By Ariadna

In my group, Alejandro and Roberto are now working ont the cables and checking the CockroachBot operation. And me, I am doing the fins of the shark for the case.

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The last week… By Kenia

The last week Jose Miguel and Jorge have been fixing the CockroachBot because we have had few problems with the antennas and wheels, but they are working hard on it. And me I’ve finished the case. To get a ladybug … Sigue leyendo

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Car CockroachBot. By iVáN

Finally, our car is almost finished, we painted everything in white, we put hoods, spoilers, mirrors. We have also put the windows and glasses, and now we are putting a bumper. After painting the bumper we will attach stickers caught … Sigue leyendo

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The Crashing CockroachBot. By Vania

In my group, formed by Herón, Jonás and me, we are doing it well and little things rest. We have almost done everything except the antennas and the wheels, because we are changing them since the others were not working … Sigue leyendo

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My CockroachBot… by Alejandro

This week all the groups were working in their projects, we will finish them in few weeks. My group was working in the case and the structure of the project:  Ariadna started to decorate the case. She painted the upper … Sigue leyendo

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Finishing the project. By Michael

In this last week, we worked in the project only one day because we had a holiday, and another day we went to work on the computers. In that day my group worked in the case, we added two brackets … Sigue leyendo

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This week by Roberto

This week we didn´t advanced much because we haven´t got class Tuesday and Thursday. On Wednesday we pasted leather to the engine; I burned the leather to prepare it and then we pasted it to the engine with silicone. Then … Sigue leyendo

Publicado en CLIL, Cockroachbot Project, Fotos, Trabajos de alumn@s | Etiquetado | 2 comentarios

Fresh news by Herón

We only need to finish the Cucabot antennas, so it stops and turns when finding fences jajaja. In fact, I gather that in 2 sessions we will finish, I’ll try to find something in the street to be used as … Sigue leyendo

Publicado en CLIL, Cockroachbot Project, Trabajos de alumn@s | Etiquetado | 1 comentario

My february post, by José Miguel

These weeks we have advanced very much in the project. It is already almost finished. We still have small changes to do so we will end it soon. I hope I will get a good mark and my friends too. … Sigue leyendo

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Antennas are disheartening!!! By George!

Hello, It´s George again, I think this will one of the last posts I will do, The cockroachbot is 100% done. Antennas were a big enemy during the robot building process, they had to have a correct position to work … Sigue leyendo

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