My CockroachBot… by Alejandro

This week all the groups were working in their projects, we will finish them in few weeks.

My group was working in the case and the structure of the project: 

Tiburon 01

Ariadna started to decorate the case. She painted the upper part with grey colour.

Tiburon 02

We want to do a shark shaped case and Ariadna has become an expert in this since she has worked on it in the previous weeks.

Roberto put the wheels in right and left part of the project and he helped me with the platform, too. 

Me, I recorded some minutes of the last class with the video camera and I put four screws in the crashing cucabot to hold it with the platform. 

Rueda loca

Roberto and I held better the idler wheel in the end part of the platform. We put a piece of cork to lower it. 

Also this week, Celso, our teacher, taught us how to use Prezi. It is an online app very easy to use where everybody can do very amusing presentations for works, journeys and others.

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Finishing the project. By Michael

In this last week, we worked in the project only one day because we had a holiday, and another day we went to work on the computers.

In that day my group worked in the case, we added two brackets because the case was brushing with the wheels and we solved a little problem with the switches.

The next week we are going to do the antennas and we will work on aesthetic details in the case.

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This week by Roberto

This week we didn´t advanced much because we haven´t got class Tuesday and Thursday.

On Wednesday we pasted leather to the engine; I burned the leather to prepare it and then we pasted it to the engine with silicone.

Then we put the wheels and we checked if the cucabot walked. The next day we are going014 to check if the cucabot runs.

Alejandro cut the balloon in two and checked which part is better to use it for the case. The next day 012we going to paint the case in shark grey and put on a fin.

To finish we only  need to attack the case and put the antennas, because we have had problems with that.

I think  in two weeks we  will finish the project.

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Fresh news by Herón

We only need to finish the Cucabot antennas, so it stops and turns when finding fences jajaja.

In fact, I gather that in 2 sessions we will finish, I’ll try to find something in the street to be used as a better material for the antennas.

I will keep you informed 🙂

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My february post, by José Miguel

These weeks we have advanced very much in the project. It is already almost finished.

We still have small changes to do so we will end it soon. I hope I will get a good mark and my friends too.

Very good work to all my colleagues:)

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Antennas are disheartening!!! By George!

Hello, It´s George again,

I think this will one of the last posts I will do, The cockroachbot is 100% done.

Antennas were a big enemy during the robot building process, they had to have a correct position to work properly. They also hadn’t got to be too heavy or light because it will  surely affect to their function.

The facts are that:

-The material has to be malleable but also hard to shape it. Examples: Brass, tin…

-The material has to send a sure signal to the component once a time it crashes with something.-(or someone)-

During all this recently year -(2013)- The damned antennas have freakin´me for hours!

But finally, at least , we have beaten them

Now we can finally try the robot in its mission of walking avoiding obstacles!


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More News By Ariadna

The cockroachbot is advancing.

My group is finishing the platform to after start with the case.

We are going to do a shark.

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The week… By Kenia

This week Jorge and Jose Miguel have Our casecompleted the circuit but had little problems putting the antennas. They finally managed to fit them. We have tried the cucabot and it works flawlessly.

Me I have started painting the case. I agreed with my group to paint it as if it was a ladybug!

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The Project Evolution by Alejandro

This week has been a very good one.

Every group were working very hard in their projects.

In my group, we were working in the mobility of the robot.

Roberto was working in the antennas. He was holding the antennas in the high part of the project (Crashing cucabot). 

Rueda 2

He finished the week with me because we were making  more resistant the axis of the wheels .

Rueda 1

Ariadna was working in the wheels.  She was putting leather around the wheels to make them sure. She finished the week in the wheels because they need wood to increase the weight.

I was working in the platform

Taquitos de madera

I was putting pieces of wood in the high part of the platform to hold the other part above them. I finished the week with Roberto in the axis of the wheels.

In this week, we were looking in Internet more ideas for this project and I found lots of pages very interesting.

This is a blog of a girl who wrote in june of 2011 about the pegatortas robot.

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Developping the CockroachBot. By iVáN

oz-racing-superturismo-wrc-17-nuevas-93523226_3As you know, my group and me we are doing a car. So this week we have painted the case in white. We have also created the wheels with cork. For tires we took some pictures of the brand OZ Racing. They seem as you can see in the image.

We also added spoilers, bumpers, bonnet … and we only need now to put the stickers.

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