App Toca Nature

Toca Nature gives kids the chance to experience the mountains, lakes, and forests on a different level. Kids don’t just get to walk through the forest, they get to build it, placing trees, mountains, and lakes in their virtual world, and then zooming in to experience the creatures that live within. With this app, kids will get to experience nature in ways that they can’t in real life.

Etapa/Cursos: 1º Primaria, 2º Primaria, 3º Primaria, 4º Primaria
Áreas/materias: Ciencias de la Naturaleza, II - Primaria, Los seres vivos, Primera Lengua Extranjera (inglés)
Otros contenidos: Lenguas Extranjeras
Autor: Toca Boca AB
Licencia de uso: App o complemento de pago u ofrece compras integradas

google-play apple store

Etiquetado cómo: clil, science