Práctica de laboratorio PH

Energy is Power

‘Energy is power is a bilateral project concerning ecology, and more particularly – energy, implemented by the Polish and Spanish schools. 25 teachers and 315 students from both schools take part in it, including 10 teachers who participate in joint staff trainings, 24 students and 4 teachers participating in joint exchanges of students in Spain and Poland. The low results of our students within science subjects, lack of motivation to learn them, as well as low ecological awareness prompted us to implement the project. In our project we deal with energy at various levels – renewable energy, energy losses, energy saving, mechanisms of energy generation. We introduce ecological ideas and projects and we offer innovative solutions.



Nuestro calendario de Energy is Power: 365 days to take care the planet

Dentro de las acciones  del proyecto  Energy is Power  se ha elaborado un fantástico calendario. 

Haz clic en este enlace para poder descargarlo.