
Today the class has been outdoors, students discover their flora through guides and discover the textures, flavor and color of the trees that are present near the center. We discover elms, beech, holm oaks, birches and several species that are not present in the Canary Islands.

A great day, the sun shines and the temperature reached 27 degrees.


7 comentarios en «Outdoors»

  • el 21 mayo, 2018 a las 9:16 am
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    I think that it is very interesting to discover and do activities outdoors.

  • el 21 mayo, 2018 a las 9:30 am
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    It is an amazing way of learning outdoors and it is ideal to entertain students while they study.

  • el 21 mayo, 2018 a las 9:31 am
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    I think is a great way of learning about outdoors, because over here we learn everything through text books and it’s kind of boring.

  • el 21 mayo, 2018 a las 9:39 am
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    In Canary Islands should make more outdoors activities like this because we always do the same, and like this, you learn more and also have fun.

  • el 21 mayo, 2018 a las 9:40 am
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    i think its different to do outdoors and discover other things like flora, plants etc.

  • el 21 mayo, 2018 a las 9:40 am
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    Front my point of view , it is an interesting way to learn about your flora that suround you, it is a dinamic form to know more about the species of plants , flowers and other stuffs, i would like to do it here, like going to the coast or to the mountain for study the ecosistems.

  • el 21 mayo, 2018 a las 9:41 am
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    i thing it is a another type to learn doing outdoors and discovering things like plants etc.


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