Record an audio

We are going to record ourselves.

We will need a microphone and will use this link:

  1. Go to the link provided and record your audio
  2. Download your audio
  3. Upload your audio to EVAGD : ‘Record and audio’


1 ESO ( To be upload on 1 ESO Technology ‘record an audio’)

The text we will record will be these 3 phrases:

Time to tidy up: clean your work area and return the equipment to its place.

When using a cutter or a saw: with a firm grip and your fingers away.

Do not engage in prank or jokes.

1 ESO P.E. (Go to PE Course in EVAGD to upload, ‘record an audio’)

We always have to warm before we start any kind of physical activity.

Warming up prepares the body for the effort the person is going to do.

Always start with a continuous slow race.Do not get tired

2 ESO (To be upload on 2 ESO Technology ‘record an audio’)

A sketch is a inicial drawing that reflects the main concept. It is made freehand, that is to say no drawing tools need to be used.

A technical drawing displays all the information and it is done with the help of ruler,a pair of compasses or a computer design program

We often desing objects that are bigger or smaller than the paper we draw on. We need to reduce or enlarge the drawing.



Esta entrada ha sido publicada en AICLE-CLIL, Asignaturas, CLIL, Physical Education, PRIMERO, SEGUNDO y etiquetada como , . Guarda el enlace permanente.

20 respuestas a Record an audio

  1. Xiomara Lucía Regalado Verde dijo:

    Ya grabé el audio

  2. Juan Valentin 2B dijo:

    Ya Grabe el Audio Panta y te lo subi por el evagd

  3. Natalia Lorenzo Regalado dijo:

    Ya grabé el audio y lo subí a Evagd

  4. Sergio Armas Abréu dijo:

    Panta ya he subido el audio, un saludo.

  5. Simón Báez Segovia dijo:

    Hola Panta, ya grabé el audio y lo entregué por EVAGD, un saludo

  6. Noa Ramos Báez dijo:

    Panta no me deja grabar el audio

  7. Yeseray dijo:

    Panta, buenos días!
    No me deja grabar el audio.
    ¿Puedo enviarlo al correo ?


    Hola Panta! tu tienes mi audio?

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