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Inicio / III - ESO / Geografía e Historia / An artistic trip: from Reinassance to Modern Times
description Documento texto An artistic trip: from Reinassance to Modern Times  

Most of the tasks and activities to be found in this unit have been designed to be used with 15-16 year-old learners (4th of ESO, roughly A-2 level of the CEFR). In any case, the authors have gone to great lengths so as to ensure that all activities and tasks: provide learners with motivating content; – create a positive learning atmosphere (a community of practice); – cater for differences in students’ learning styles and intelligences; promote cooperative learning; involve students in peer and selfassessment; integrate ICTs –especially when it comes to homework; have a sort of built-in consciousness raising mechanism to make learners focus on form.

Etapa/Cursos: 4º ESO
Otros contenidos: Lenguas Extranjeras
Autor: Carla Pérez, Jaume Prat, Mariona Crous
Licencia de uso: CC – Reconocimiento – NoComercial – SinObraDerivada (by-nc-nd)


Etiquetado cómo: arte, Edad Contemporánea, Edad Moderna, Renacimiento