Visit of German professors of Berufskolleg Alsdorf

Throughout this week we have been visited by 4 teachers of Berufskolleg Alsdorf, a vocational training school in the region of Aachen, within the framework Erasmus +. The purpose of their stay is visit different schools (IES La Guancha, CIFP César Manrique, our own) as well as business network to send some of his students for internships. Similarly, they offered as recipients of our students traineeships to develop their FCT.


The Erasmus + coordinator of higher education in our center, Carlos Manescau, is their host here, and will these days managing their stay and visits. In the picture, the German professors are together with the Erasmus+ coordinator of IES La Guancha (top left) and Carlos Manescau (top center). The director of International Relations in Berufskolleg Alsdorf is Detlef Hansmann, a former collaborator of our center (top right).

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