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Dad is going shopping

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Proyecto de creación musical

El alumnado de Inglés de Primaria del CEO Motor Grande se embarca en un proyecto de creación musical donde ponen en práctica lo aprendido durante el curso en forma de canciones con mucho ritmo y muy motivadoras para la adquisición de la fonética.

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Canarian Women

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Día de Finados – Halloween 2023

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Fantastic Chimeras

The Jottle

This animal is a jottl. They can live up to 30 years. Jottls stand out for their yellow skin and their fluffy brown pattern around their bodies. They have horns and gills in their head. The gills are functional so they can use them to breath under water and they have long fluffy tails. They also stand out for their long neck.

Jottls are a mix of axolotl, otter, giraffe, sheep and leopard.

Jottls’ personality tend to be aggressive because their predators think it is an easy prey, but they have strong kicks and powerful skills. They live in the savanna and they usually eat tree leaves. However, they are not herbivores, they are omnivores so, if they can, they will hunt in groups. It is strange, but jottls have hobbies. They play games with their friends, in one of them they compete to see who has more stones.

Jottls can eat leaves and fish. They do not sleep, they only take a nap around 10 to 15 minutes when their friends and family take care of them. That is due to the fact that their necks do not let them sleep well, so they take naps.

F. S. Z. (4º ESO)


My special animal is called Lumi. She is 22 years old. She is a special animal because she is a nine tail fox. My animal is special not only because it has nine tails but because she can also transform into a human.

The colour of her hair when she is in her human version is blue, but when she is in her fox version, half of her tail is red.

She is very shy. She lives in the forest and she spends her time sleeping during the day so she has energy at night to go out hunting.

S.O.M. (4º ESO)

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