Welcome back to an exciting new academic year.

In this blog, we will share the activities we carry out in class and everything related to the internationalisation of our high school.

First of all, let’s meet our teachers this year:

  • Arminda (Biology teacher, 3rd CSE)
  • Antonio (P.E. teacher, 2nd, 3rd & 4th CSE)
  • Davinia (P.E. teacher, 1st & 3rd CSE)
  • Rocío (Technology teacher, 1st & 2nd CSE)
  • Silvia (Geography & History teacher, 1st & 3rd CSE)
  • Bryony (Language assistant)
  • Pilar (Programme Coordinator; English teacher, 2nd & 4th CSE)
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In the following card you will find a variety of challenges with different exercises, individually and in pairs, to improve your skipping skill. Every time you achieve one of the challenges you will get a stamp. You decide when you evaluate yourself and for which challenges. You can practice as much as you want. You have three attempts at each challenge.

In the next table you can see the note equivalence of the stamps you get.

If you bring your own rope you will get extra points (1 for each challenge).

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Look at the label

The 3rd ESO students have been learning about globalization and its consequences. To better understand its impact, they completed an activity by examining the labels on their clothing. The labels provided information about the raw materials and where the garments were made. They researched the countries of origin for these materials, along with the consequences of their production. Additionally, they explored where the garments were manufactured, why those locations were chosen, and the advantages and disadvantages of industrial relocation. Finally, they mapped the journey of the garments and analyzed the implications of this global process.

Los alumnos de 3º de ESO han estado aprendiendo sobre la globalización y sus consecuencias. Para comprender mejor su impacto, realizaron una actividad que consistía en examinar las etiquetas de su ropa. Las etiquetas les proporcionaron información sobre las materias primas y el lugar donde se fabricaron las prendas. Investigaron los países de origen de estos materiales, así como las consecuencias de su producción. Además, analizaron dónde se fabricaron las prendas, por qué se eligieron esos lugares y las ventajas y desventajas de la deslocalización industrial. Finalmente, representaron en un mapa el recorrido de las prendas y analizaron las implicaciones de este proceso global.

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The landforms of the Canary Islands

The 1st ESO students have been exploring the landforms of the Canary Islands. Working in pairs, they investigated the various types of volcanic relief characteristic of our islands. Additionally, they learned about their formation and erosion, and they identified examples in their local context. Finally, they presented their projects in class, explaining their findings to their classmates and Bry, our language assistant, who asked them some questions.

El alumnado de 1º de ESO ha estado aprendiendo sobre el relieve de las Islas Canarias. Por parejas han investigado diferentes formas del relieve de origen volcánico, característicos de nuestras islas. Además han aprendido sobre la formación de este relieve y su erosión, encontrando ejemplos en su contexto más cercano. Finalmente expusieron su investigación en clase, explicándolo a sus compañeros y a Bry, nuestra auxiliar de conversación, quien les hizo algunas preguntas.

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First Term Physical Education 3rd ESO: Project “Statistical Data Graph”

The third year ESO students have prepared a project on statistics (Mathematics, English and Physical Education) that can be awarded up to 2 points for the final subject mark. 

They had to record themselves at home using programmes such as Canva, Google documents or CapCut to put together the final video. The project consisted of several parts: presenting the physical results obtained in the different physical tests carried out in the first term.

They had to obtain the class average on the various tests and compare their results with those of the class average and draw their own conclusions.

Finally, they had to briefly explain whether they needed to improve any of the physical abilities involved in the tests and how they would improve them.

El alumnado de tercero ESO ha elaborado un trabajo sobre estadística (Matemáticas, Inglés y Educación Física) con el que podía obtener hasta 2 puntos. Debían grabarse en casa utilizando programas como el Canva, documentos de Google y CapCut para montar el vídeo final.
El trabajo constaba de varias partes: poner los resultados físicos obtenidos en las distintas pruebas físicas realizadas en el primer trimestre. Debían obtener la media de la clase en las distintas pruebas y comparar sus resultados con los de la media de la clase y sacar sus propias conclusiones. Por último, debían explicar, brevemente, si debían mejorar alguna de las capacidades físicas implicadas en los test y cómo las

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First Term Physical Education 2nd ESO: Project “Healthy Eating Infographics”

Students looked for benefits of the food they have received a component and explained it, in class, the infographic they created.

Infographics have prevailed over other contents formats thanks to their ability to transmit information and be, at the same time, easy to consume and share on social networks.

Characteristics of the task

– In this task students presented their infographics, to the rest of the class, for about one minute. The speech was entirely in English. Creativity, originality, speech, vocabulary, and preparation were evaluated.

El alumnado de segundo de la ESO buscaron los beneficios de los alimentos que les habían tocado y explicaron en clase una infografía creada por ellos previamente.

Las infografías son muy utilizadas gracias a su capacidad para transmitir información y ser, al mismo tiempo, fáciles de compartir en redes sociales.

Las características de la tarea: los estudiantes debían presentar sus infografías al resto de la clase durante aproximadamente un minuto. La presentación fue íntegramente en Inglés. Se evaluó la creatividad, la originalidad, el discurso,el vocabulario y la presentación.

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First term Biology and Geology 3rd ESO: Project “My animal cell”

Students have built an animal cell using different types of materials ( food, clothes,etc). After that, they have recorded a video explaing all the parts of the cell and the function of each part.Here you can see some of them.

El alumnado ha construido una célula animal, usando diferentes materiales (comida, ropa,etc). Después han grabado un video explicando sus partes y la función de cada una de ellas.Aquí se muestran algunos ejemplos.

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The second year high school students welcomed the first year ESO students with a dynamic of games and activities on Cabrón beach. Among the activities carried out in English was completing an Orienteering race by doing a series of relays where they learned vocabulary related to the different CLIL subjects taught at the IES Playa de Arinaga.
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Welcoming our Language Assistant Bryony

On October 2nd we were glad to receive Bryony, our current Language assistant from Bournemouth, England.

She will be helping our students of Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) in the CLIL subjects of Biology, Geography, Technology, PE and English.

It is going to be an exciting and great learning opportunity for both students and teachers alike.

Welcome, Bryony!

Welcome breakfast to the Language assistant Bryony at the staff room of Playa de Arinaga Secondary School

Desayuno de bienvenida a nuestra Auxiliar de Conversación Bryony

El 2 de octubre tuvimos la suerte de recibir a nuestra Auxiliar de Conversación, Bryony, de Bournemouth, Inglaterra.

Ella ayudará al alumnado de la ESO en las materias pertenecientes al Programa AICLE, que este año continuan siendo Biología, Geografía, Tecnología, Educación Física e Inglés.

Va a ser una magnífica e ilusionante oportunidad de aprendizaje tanto para el alumnado como para el profesorado.

¡Bienvenida, Bryony!

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Every 26th of September since 2001 the Council of Europe celebrates the European Day of Languages. This year, as we used to do some time ago, the English department organised workshops about food, celebrities, languages. They all were made and carried out by students of ESO-4 to be played by the students of ESO-1.

Both of them enjoyed a motivating and enriching day as you can see in the following pictures. Congratulation students!!

Cada 26 de septiembre desde el año 2001 el Consejo de Europa celebra el día europeo de las Lenguas. Este año, como solíamos hacer hace unos años, el departamento de inglés organizó talleres elaborados y llevados a cabo por alumnado de 4º de ESO para el alumnado de 1º ESO. Ambos disfrutaron de una jornada enriquecedora y motivante utilizando el inglés como vehículo de comunicación. ¡¡Enhorabuena estudiantes!!

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