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Profesor de Inglés y Director de la Escuela Oficial de Idioma de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Coordinador y creador del Proyecto DECCA.

Sonia Delaunay Activity

The Ukrainian artist Sonia Delaunay (1885-1979) was a key figure in the Parisian avant-garde. Together with her husband, the painter Robert Delaunay, she undertook an artistic adventure based on contrasts of colour and the dissolving of form through light that led towards abstraction. Her work in modern design included the concepts of geometric abstraction, the of furniture, fabrics, wall coverings, and clothing.

Students from DECCA Course at EOI Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, after being working in an English class based on her work and being inspired by her art and costumes, learners created an activity where they combined a written text (a mini-story) with a creative coat as Delaunay’s design.

VTS is being spread in Germany

The renowned Bielefeld Kunsthalle is about to open their long-awaited exhibition “Mean Expressionism. Trauma and Taboo” next weekend. It is not meant to show expressionism as something evil, but to document the ground-breaking new ideas and approaches to come to terms with the remarkable and often confusing challenges of modernism.
Famous German artists like Max Beckmann, Otto Dix, George Grosz, Erich Heckel, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, August Macke, Paula Modersohn-Becker, or Emil Nolde are displayed until March 2018.
The Kunsthalle’s paedagogical team and the Westfalen-Kolleg Bielefeld have been cooperating ever since the European Project DECCA started in 2015. In the course of the ERASMUS plus project VTS was introduced to the Kunsthalle staff so that they decided to train their guides in the technique of VTS.
As a result, the current exhibition will offer different workshops around the topic of colour, expressionism, creative writing, and of course, VTS. The latter can be booked for students of all ages, whereby the participants can decide on VTS only and an additional creative part with the chance of drawing their own expressionists paintings. In correspondence with the goal of the DECCA project the Kunsthalle will focus on the benefits for language learning through VTS.









Learn more about the exhibiton under:

DECCA at Erasmus+ SEPIE Newsletter

Our Project Coordinaror, Norberto Ojeda Zamora, has been interviewed by the Erasmus+ Sepie Spanish National Agency. To read the whole interview, please click on the image below.

Sepie Newsletter N.10





Women Artists and DECCA.

DECCA visits an exhibition vindicating the role of Women Artists. For too long they have either been omitted altogether, or isolated (….) and discussed only as women artists, as if in some strange way they were not part of their culture at all. In this exhibition DECCA could savour the work of some women artists and their contribution to art. Again, students could see the museum as a learning space and that learning English at museums is an extraordinary emotional experience.

DECCA Project at Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum

DECCA Project Spanish coordinators Mercedes Hernández Rey and Norberto Ojeda Zamora presented some of their activities based on some of the artworks from the Museum Thyssen-Bornemisza in Madrid. The activities dealt with using museum shop postcards, Augmented Reality and a Kinesthetic activity based on some paintings.

The coordinators have also been invited to join Musaraña, the museum innovative project for teachers.

It was really a privilege to have been at the Thyssen sharing our work and learning from other teachers involved in the same field.  See  the Schedule at Thyssen-Bornemisza Conference.

Click on the image to download DECCA Resource Book

To download NÉSTOR MUSEUM GUIDE RESOURCE BOOK, please, click here.

TO download ANTONIO PADRÓN GUIDE RESOURCE BOOK, please, click here.

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Developing English Communicative Competence through Art by Erasmus+ Decca Project 2015-1-ES01-KA204-016098 is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional License.
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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

DECCA EOI Las Palmas GC at the CAAM “Lucy’s Iris Exhibition”

Lucy’s Iris is an exhibition of the work of 25 contemporary African women artists living in the continent of Africa, on its islands and amid the diaspora.

The exhibition title is a metaphor alluding to the systems that impose colonial thought, and the need to overcome these systems and reinstate a viewpoint that should never have been removed. This is the reason for the reference to Lucy, the female hominid considered for many years to be the grandmother of humanity.

On 10th and 11th May 2017, Students from “Developing English Communicative Course through Art” visited the CAAM with their teacher Norberto Ojeda and thoughout a two-hour workshop, they could experience what it is meant to be a woman in Africa though the eyes of these modern African artists. The workshop objective was to practice students’ linguistic competence usisng modern art installations. Something we do not usually see everyday.
The exhibition Lucy’s Iris was curated by Ortado Brito, CAAM Museum Director.


EOI Las Palmas G C at Néstor Museum

Two Intermediate 2 groups and one Basic 2 group from EOI Las Palmas de Gran Canaria gathered last Thursday to visit Néstor Museum. They had previously prepared the visit in class and the result was amazing.

The teachers, Rosario Rosales and Eugenia González, chose Poema de la TierraPoema del AtlánticoEpitalamioLa Hermana de las Rosas and Adagio and planned a gallery walk. The idea was to have the students prepare short oral presentations about the selected paintings in class. Accordingly, the students worked in small groups to learn about Néstor and prepare a description of the painting they were assigned. Once inside the museum they became guides. They stood next to their assigned paintings and explained them to other students who played the role of tourists in the museum.

For the teachers it was a highly rewarding experience. They felt overly proud of their students’ commitment. The students appreciated the chance to practice their English. Here are some of their comments: “I feel that I want to know more about Néstor and his work. I want more activities like that.” “We had the opportunity to talk to people that are in the same or different levels.” “The director of the museum was so nice and his explanation so interesting!”


Using Augmented Reality and QR Codes in DECCA Exhibition

What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented reality is the integration of digital information with the user’s environment in real time. Unlike virtual reality, which creates a totally artificial environment, augmented reality uses the existing environment and overlays new information on top of it.

This activity carried out by some students who attended the Blended Activity in Bielefeld were asked, on the last day of the meeting, to  show their meeting experience through painting. This is the magical result. If you follow the instructions while your device scan the pictures a video or audio will be instantly downloaded and you will see or hear the student talking  about his/her piece and explaining what that picture means for them. On the other side, if you scan the QR CODE you will get more information about the student: who he/she is, what he/she does, …

To get the most of this post, please make sure you follow the instructions below and have downloaded AURASMA APP and QR CODE READER Apps on your devices.

This is a picture of how the paintings were exhibited at EOI Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and EOI Telde. The paintings have been also echibited at Escuela de Arte y Diseño de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in a dissemination activity.


DECCA at San Martín Contemporary Art Centre


A group of students from the “Developing English Communicative Competence Course” (Escuela Oficial de Idiomas Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)had the opportunity to visit the exhibition “The colours of wine” at San Martin Contemporary Art Centre, as part of the activities carried out in their course. An activity where we could explore Canarian Contemporary Art through Cristobal Guerra’s paintings and discover the creation of a wine and neuronal landscape. Amazing!

“Aprender inglés con los ojos” Article

The colours of wine. Exhibition.

The Colours of wine. Museum Learning activity at the Museum.

18th and 19th January 2017. The students from “Developing English Communicative Competence Course” (Escuela Oficial de Idiomas Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) had the opportunity to visit the exhibition “The colours of wine” at San Martin Contemporary Art Centre, as part of the activities carried out in their course. An activity where we could explore Canarian Contemporary Art through Cristobal Guerra’s paintings and discover the creation of a wine and neuronal landscape. Amazing!

“Midwinter sacrifice” at Mullsjö Folk High School

One of the most famous paintings in Sweden is Carl Larsson´s Midwinter sacrifice, a huge painting you can find at the National museum in Stockholm. We worked with an activity that focused on the painting and its motive. After an introductory VTS and different tasks the students were told to make some research about a given subject connected with the painting and present it on a poster. When the wonderful result was up on the wall, we all enjoyed a vernissage while eating snacks and drinking cider as you usually do at such an event.
