Once the Eramus+ KA131 for higher education applicants selection process is finished, we proceed to publish the final results. The selection process was held among students who have applied to participate in the proposed mobility for trainees, corresponding to the Key Action 1 (KA131) of the Erasmus+ Programme, funded by projects 2023-1-ES01-KA131-HED-000116024 and 2024-1-ES01-KA131-HED-000197906.
Results of KA131 Erasmus+ 2024 – 2025 SMT Students Selection Process
This is the final list of selected students, who are reminded that finally there are 25 places for students funded by the Erasmus+ Programme for 2024-2025 course. Likewise it affects the responsibility of the selected students to participate in the project according to the guidelines of it.

All selected studets are reminded for the First Official Meeting that will take place this wednesday 23th October at 13:30 at the schools Library. Attendance at this meeting is mandatory, since very important aspects will be discussed, including the first approaches to the search for companies, preferences for destinations and groups. Don’t forget to attend the meeting and discuss these aspects with your colleagues.