Definitive results of 2024-2025 KA131 Student Mobilities for Practices Selection Process

Once the Eramus+ KA131 for higher education applicants selection process is finished, we proceed to publish the final results. The selection process was held among students who have applied to participate in the proposed mobility for trainees, corresponding to the Key Action 1 (KA131) of the Erasmus+ Programme, funded by projects 2023-1-ES01-KA131-HED-000116024 and 2024-1-ES01-KA131-HED-000197906.

Results of KA131 Erasmus+ 2024 – 2025 SMT Students Selection Process

This is the final list of selected students, who are reminded that finally there are 25 places for students funded by the Erasmus+ Programme for 2024-2025 course. Likewise it affects the responsibility of the selected students to participate in the project according to the guidelines of it.

All selected studets are reminded for the First Official Meeting that will take place this wednesday 23th October at 13:30 at the schools Library. Attendance at this meeting is mandatory, since very important aspects will be discussed, including the first approaches to the search for companies, preferences for destinations and groups. Don’t forget to attend the meeting and discuss these aspects with your colleagues.

Erasmus+ KA131 2024-2025 Final Applicants, Selection Process and First Official Meeting

Once the deadline for submission of applications is finished, this is the Final List of Applicants for the Erasmus+ KA131 SMT mobilities 2024-2025 for the next Erasmus+ KA131 SMT (student mobilities for training) 2024-2025, funded by projects 2023-1-ES01-KA131-HED-000116024 and 2024-1-ES01-KA131-HED-000197906 .


The selection process will take place during next days. The First Official Meeting will take place next wednesday 23th Oct, 13:30 pm at the Salón de Actos. You ought to assist that meeting or be forfaited.

Erasmus+ KA131 2024-2025 Applicants and Selection Process

Once the deadline for submission of applications is finished, this is the Final List of Applicants for the Erasmus+ KA131 SMT mobilities 2024-2025 for the next Erasmus+ KA131 SMT (student mobilities for training) 2024-2025, funded by projects 2023-1-ES01-KA131-HED-000116024 and 2024-1-ES01-KA131-HED-000197906 . You ought to check you appear on it and the data is correct. Otherwise, you ought to claim between Thursday 17th and Friday 18th Oct, by mail to or in the school secretary.


The selection process will take place during next days. The online personal forms (Personal Information, Erasmus Profile and Language Levels) have to be fullfilled before Friday 18th. Any applicant student must fill in the form and upload required files or be forfeited.

Erasmus+ KA131 Students & Staff Mobilities 2024-2025 Application Process

After the initial meeting (2th Oct), in which the Erasmus+ HE Coordinator has explained the mobilities for practices project’s characteristics to every student insterested of all terminal courses of higher education short cycles, this Wednesday 2th of October is going to begin the application period for the KA131 trainneeship mobilities for students for practices (SMT) 2024-2025. All the students interested in the programme must apply for their place in the project. Must be recalled that the applicants have to study 2º course of higher education short cycles.  The organisation’s staff is fully informed about their way to apply, in the same period, to Staff Mobilities for Training (STT).


From this day to Friday 11th of October, the applicants must present the Application Form (students) or the Application Project (staff).

Erasmus+ KA121 VET student mobilities 2024-2025 Application Process

After the informative visits made by the Erasmus+ Vocational Training Coordinator to all the terminal courses of intermediate level proffessional training cycles, on Wednesday, September 24, the application period for KA121 internship mobilities for students in training 2024-2025 was opened. All students interested in the program can apply to participate in the project.

As of this day and until Tuesday, October 1, applicants should submit the Application Form to participate in the selection process

Results of 2024 KA131 Extraordinary Call for Recent Graduate Student Mobilities Selection Process

Once the Erasmus+ KA131 extraordinary call for recent graduate students for higher education applicants selection process is finished, we proceed to publish the final results. The selection process was held among students who have applied to participate in the proposed mobility for trainees, corresponding to the Key Action 1 (Project Nº: 2023-1-ES01-KA131-HED-000116024) of the Erasmus+ Programme.

Results of KA131 Erasmus+ 2024 Recent Graduate Call Selection Process

Students are reminded that finally there are 7 places funded by the Erasmus+ Programme for 2024-2025 course. Likewise it affects the responsibility of the selected students to participate in the project according to the guidelines of it.


Erasmus+ KA131 Extraordinary Call for Recent Graduates 2024 Applicants and Selection Process

Once the deadline for submission of applications is finished, this is the Final List of Applicants for the Erasmus+ KA131 SMT recent graduated students mobilities 2024 for the next Erasmus+ KA131 SMT (student mobilities for training) 2024 Extraordinary Call for Recent Graduates. You ought to check you appear on it and the data is correct. Otherwise, you ought to claim between Monday 1th and Tuesday 2th June, by mail to or in the school secretary.


The selection process will take place during next days. The online personal forms (Personal Information, Erasmus Profile and Language Levels) have to be fullfilled before Friday 7th June. Any applicant student must fill in the form and upload required files and, also, send their Europass CV to or be forfeited.

Informative meeting for next course (2024-2025) Erasmus+ call for students mobilities of Higher Education through KA131 project

Next Wednesday 29th of may at 13:30 is going to be celebrated a meeting for every student that could be interested in participate in Erasmus+ KA131 mobilities for practices in the next academic course, 2024 – 2025. All the information about this call, characteristics and issues, its application and the selection process will be given in this meeting.

This informative talk is intended for all first-year students of higher degree short cycles who may be interested in carrying out, next year, their company internships (FCT) in a European or associated country through the Erasmus+ Programme.

Extraordinary call for Erasmus+ mobility of Higher Education KA131 2024. Meeting, application and selection procedure

After the information mails sent by the Erasmus+ HE Coordinator to all students of terminal courses of higher education short cycles, next Wednesday 22th of May at 13:30 is going to be celebrated a meeting for every student that could be interested in participate in Post Graduates Erasmus+ KA131 mobilities for practices in the next months. All the information about htis extraordinary call and its application and selection process will be given in this meeting.


On Wednesday 22th of May will begin the application period. All the students interested in the programme must attend the meeting and apply for their place in the project. Must be recalled that the applicants have to study and finalize 2º or 3º course of higher education short cycles. From this day to Friday 31th of May, the applicants must present the Application Form, their CV form and languague certificates in the Secretary of the high school to participate in the selection process.

Our Erasmus+ KA131 2023-2024 traineeship students are back!

In the last week our Erasmus+ higher education selected students have returned or are going to return from their traineeships on different European countries. These traineeships and integral experiences have been possible by the Erasmus+ KA131 Projects for Higher Education in which our high school is involved.The students selected by the IES Puerto de La Cruz – Telesforo Bravo have performed the work experience in different European cities of Poland, Ireland, Italy and Portugal.


All of them have been called for a final meeting next Wednesday May 22th at 13:30 to welcome them, meet and exchange experiences, review and collect final documentation and inform them about the latest procedures and managements.