Coordinadora: Ana Giménez.

Equipo Promotor ERASMUS+

Equipo Promotor:

  • Ana Giménez.
  • Esther Magaña.
  • Sarah Christopher.
  • Marcos Marrero.

Nuestro centro está participando en el programa Erasmus+, un programa cofinanciado por la Unión Europea. A través de diferentes proyectos el CEIP PLAYA HONDA se abre a Europa y tras concluir el proyecto que comenzó en 2019: “Abriendo caminos a Europa en nuestra inmersión lingüística con Erasmus+”, empezamos un proyecto nuevo con muchísimas ganas e ilusión que contribuirá a que tanto el alumnado, como familias y profesorado tomen conciencia de la importancia de cuidar los espacios naturales y sobretodo la isla de Lanzarote, reserva de la Biosfera. Este nuevo proyecto lleva por título “Hacía una Europa más sostenible a través de una escuela más verde”.

CEIP Playa Honda is a center that has been ascribed to the el Content and Language Integrated. 

Learning (CLIL) for several years. We would like to continue and we want to improve aspects of the same process. Through Erasmus+ we intend to achieve the Internationalization of Education starting with the best formation in Lingüistic competence , methodology and school staff organization, achieving from this way the best quaility of education and a better inclusion of this project.

We can not forget that in our school we find students with unfavourable social situation. We are always searching for resources that allow this students to be equal conditions and with this iniciative we would like to bring ourselves up to date looking for the best posible resources to face the necesities and demands of our students.

To be able to face the social and educational reality of our center and the needs that this entails, the objectives proposed from our behalf and from this project will be the following points:

– Improving our linguistic competence training plan to tncrease the participants´ level of English.

– Acquiring methodological resources to deal with the behaviours and demands of our socially disadvantaged students.

– Acquiring new and innovative methodological resources through training and observation that improve the educational quality of our center.

The number of participants of this proposal will be 7 faculty members, some of them are English teachers and another few are primary teachers who see this oportunity as a way to improve update their knowledge of the language. The activities proposed for this project would job shadowing and courses in Croatia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Portugal, Romania and Greece.