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Our High School has been awarded with the Erasmus+ Accreditation in Vocational Training

After the process of evaluating the application of our institute to obtain the Erasmus+ Accreditation in Vocational Training, we have obtained it. This is a tool for education and training organizations that want to open up to cross-border exchange and cooperation. It involves simplified access to funding opportunities for Key Action 1 of the future Erasmus+ Programme (2021-2027). The award of the Erasmus+ accreditation confirms that the applicant has established a plan to carry out high-quality mobility activities and use them to improve their education and training offerings. This plan is called the Erasmus plan and it is a key element of the Erasmus+ accreditation application.


Results of 2020-2021 KA103 Student Mobilities Selection Process

Once the Erasmus+ KA103 for higher education applicants selection process is finished, we proceed to publish the final results. The selection process was held among students who have applied to participate in the proposed mobility for trainees, corresponding to the Key Action 1 (KA103) of the Erasmus+ programme.



Students are reminded that finally are 20 places funded by the Erasmus+ Programme for 2020-2021 course. Likewise it affects the responsibility of the selected students to participate in the project according to the guidelines of it.


Results of 2020-2021 KA116 Student Mobilities Selection Process

Once the Erasmus+ KA116 for vocational training applicants selection process is finished, we proceed to publish the final results. The selection process was held among students who have applied to participate in the proposed mobility for trainees, corresponding to the Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ programme.


Erasmus+ 2020 KA116 Project applicants selection


Erasmus+ KA103 2020-2021 Applicants and Selection Process

Once the deadline for submission of applications is finished, this is the Final List of Applicats for the Erasmus+ KA103 SMP mobilities 2020-2021 for the next Erasmus+ KA103 SMP training mobilities for students 2020-2021. You ought to check you appear on it and the data is correct. Otherwise, you ought to claim between Monday 19th and Wednesday 21th, by mail to The selection process will take place during the last fortnight of October. So, the online personal forms (Personal Information, Erasmus Profile and Language Levels) have to be fullfilled before Thursday 22th. Any applicant student must fill in the form and upload required files or forfeited be selected. The form is available here.

Erasmus+ KA103 Students Mobilities 2020-2021 Application Process

After the information visits done by the Erasmus+ HE Coordinator to all terminal courses of higher education short cycles, next Wednesday 7th of October is going to begin the application period for the KA103 trainneeship mobilities for students for training 2020-2021. All the students interested in the programme must apply for their place in the project. Must be recalled that the applicants have to study 2º or 3º course of higher education short cycles.
From this day to Friday 16th of October, the applicants must present the Application Form and their CV form in the Secretary of the high school to participate in the selection process.

KA103 SMP / STT project for course 2020 / 2021

IES Puerto de la Cruz – Telesforo Bravo has been successful, as last years, for Erasmus+ Higher Education Mobilitiy KA103 Project. The Spanish National Agency (SEPIE) has selected our application and has granted the Project with 20 mobilities for students and 2 mobilities for staff.
To these mobilities for students will be added about 20 more SMP and 3 more STT ones left from last year KA103 Project, cancelled due to COVID-19 emergency. Then, almost 40 of our higher short cycle students and 5 of our staff are going to have the opportunity of taking part in the Project and do their traineeship / learning in an European country.
These numbers are the absolute record for our school and we’ll try our best to get success in the project and all its mobilities.

Selected and Reserve Students for Erasmus+ KA103 Mobilities 2019-2020 First Meeting

On Monday, 28th of October, it will take place the first official meeting for the students, selected and belonging to reserve list, to take part in KA103 trainneeship Mobilities for Students 2019-2020. It will take place in Salón de Actos from 13:30 pm to 14:30 pm. All the students selected in the process must assist to the meeting. Students in reserve list may attend and it would be very recommendable.




All participant students will have to sign a compromise document. Also we will take the opportunity to make a first approach to the destinations of the traineeships and they will be entrusted with a series of tasks and a deadline for carrying them out.

Results of 2019-2020 KA103 Student Mobilities Selection Process

Once the Erasmus+ KA103 for higher education applicants selection process is finished, we proceed to publish the final results. The selection process was held among students who have applied to participate in the proposed mobility for trainees, corresponding to the Key Action 1 (KA103) of the Erasmus+ programme.



Students are reminded that finally are 25 places funded by the Erasmus+ Programme for 2017-2018 course and 2 more workplaces available from previous 2018-2019 KA103 Project. That means finally 27 workplaces in all. Likewise it affects the responsibility of the selected students to participate in the project according to the guidelines of it.


Results of 2019-2020 KA116 Student Mobilities Selection Process

Once the Erasmus+ KA116 for vocational training applicants selection process is finished, we proceed to publish the final results. The selection process was held among students who have applied to participate in the proposed mobility for trainees, corresponding to the Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ programme.




Timetable of Erasmus+ KA103 Selection Interviews 2019-2020

Here you can check the approximate times of selection interviews to be held at the school on Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th October, starting at 14:30 p.m. Be there and be on time!
