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Inicio / II - Primaria / # Todas las áreas de Primaria / English as a medium of instruction – a growing global phenomenon
dynamic_feed Otros English as a medium of instruction – a growing global phenomenon  

This report presents the findings of a study which attempted to provide an initial picture of the rapidly growing global phenomenon of English medium instruction (EMI): The use of the English language to teach academic subjects in countries or jurisdictions where the first language (L1) of the majority of the population is not English.

Etapa/Cursos: 1º Primaria, 2º Primaria, 3º Primaria, 4º Primaria, 5º Primaria, 6º Primaria
Otros contenidos: Lenguas Extranjeras
Autor: Julie Dearden
Licencia de uso: © Todos los derechos reservados


Etiquetado cómo: CLIL report